What Is the Meaning of Menopause?

Every woman, when she reaches the age where fertility ends, goes through menopause. The average age to experience menopause is 51, according to the North American Menopause Society, but each body responds to menopause at a different time.
    • The period from puberty to menopause is called "premenopause".


    • Signs and symptoms of perimenopause (literally translated as "around menopause") and menopause occur due to the changing estrogen levels in a woman's body. Some symptoms include changes in menstrual period, sleep habits and mood.

    Hot Flashes

    • Hot flashes are the most common sign of menopause in women. Typically occurring for 30 seconds to 10 minutes, these flashes usually end with a cold chill.

    Bladder Problems

    • Women may have problems controlling their bladder during menopause. It is fairly common to experience urine seepage when laughing, running, jogging, coughing or sneezing.

    Sexual Appetite

    • Changes in sexual appetite occur during menopause. Some women are less likely to want sex, while other women experience an increase in arousal.

    Hormone Therapy

    • To alleviate symptoms of menopause, many women opt to use hormone therapy, such as progestogen, estrogen therapy or estrogen-progestogen therapy.

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