Decorating Ideas for a Health Fair
Overall Theme
Take into consideration the overall theme of the event. If the health fair is at a dentist's office, decorations should focus on smiles, teeth, and happy faces. The most important detail to remember is to make the decorations fun and simple. Participants should be happy to be there, and not dreading a physical examination.
If there is a fitness section at the fair, emphasize happy individuals exercising. Large posters featuring smiling joggers could be hanging from the ceiling to denote the emphasis of the space. If treadmills and weights are readily accessible, they can be used as props for decoration. Make sure not to plug in any equipment to avoid injury. If real equipment is not available, paper mache versions can be made and placed throughout this area.
General Health
For the general health section of the health fair, focus on doctors and the decorations associated with their line of work. If you have dentists at the fair, large stuffed toothbrushes and teeth can be placed around. Stethoscopes and scrubs can be artfully placed on tables as entrances to this area of the fair. Pictures of smiling health care professionals can be hung from wires in the ceiling to further denote the general health section.
Posters displaying food groups, the food pyramid and healthy food choices can easily be placed around this area to further the education of the participants. Large paper mache or plastic versions of healthy food, such as tomatoes, broccoli and apples, can be displayed too. Pictures of healthy meals can be displayed with the food, or they could be hung from the ceiling to denote the nutrition section of the event.
At a health fair, safety is of utmost importance. Think of what children might do with any of the decorations, and make sure that staff is aware of this possibility. Additionally, if this seems like too much of a concern, the decorations should be switched to more sturdy objects that cannot be picked up by little hands. Also, make sure all decorations are friendly, happy objects and not graphic pictures of surgeries or diseases. Those pictures should be kept in brochures so that participants can choose to look at them.