How to Win Social Security Disability Without a Lawyer
Things You'll Need
- Hospital discharge papers
- Doctor bills
- Pharmacy receipts
- Special equipment receipts
- Names, addresses and telephone numbers
- Past due utility, mortgage or rent statements
Before getting started, understand the difference between Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Apply for SSDI if you have worked five out of the last 10 years. The work requirements are different if you are under 30 years old. If you have not worked the required amount of years, apply for SSI. SSI has no work history requirements. Knowing which to apply for will save time in appeals. Disabled children under 18 years old may apply for SSI if their parents have low incomes. Adult children may apply on their parent's earnings if their disability started before turning 22 years old.
Now choose from three ways to file, on the phone, online, or in person. You will need the names, addresses, and phone numbers of your doctors, clinics, labs, and hospitals. Organize your information so you could easily say "who" referred you to "where". Ask for letters to support your claim. You will use these later. Talk to your supervisors, teachers, counselors, and ministers. Ask doctors to include observations that will not be on a report. Include things such as weigh loss, emotional state, or anything he feels is relevant. Ask others to focus their letters on knowledge they have of how your illness has affected you and your ability to continue previous activities. Do not be shy or embarrassed to ask anyone who has followed your illness, and is familiar with your obligations. Make at least five copies of each. You will have the occasion to use them again. If you have had to get aid with utilities, telephone, or rent keep detailed records of this.
Expect your first application to be denied. The Social Security Disability Claims National Legal Help reports that only 40 percent of initial claims are approved. The Social Security Administration, SSA, only approved 20 percent of first appeals, which they call reconsideration. You have 60 days after receiving a denial letter to appeal. This is very important because if you miss the deadline you will have to begin the process again. Winning appeals are paid back pay, starting on the SSA's receipt of the fist application. Starting over subtracts days from your back pay. You could lose 90 days of pay.
Your denial letter will give either a medical or non-medical reason for the denial. It does not matter which you receive; return an appeal request and appeal disability report. Online submission is recommended. Remember; do not allow this to discourage you. Think of it as a weeding-out process and stand firm. Continue with your treatments and appointments. From the SSA standpoint, if you stop, you must be all right. Talk to your physician; most will work out something so that your treatments will not stop. If your physician is not willing or able to work with you, ask for a letter explaining that your condition requires regular visits although the lack of funds is at issue.
If you are denied again, appeal again. You should have an ongoing file of health-related receipts and statements. Everything is important; keep records of physical, emotional and financial challenges you experience during your wait. If your lights are disconnected, keep your notices.
On your third denial, you should be offered an informal hearing with an administrative law judge. Request one if you are not. Also request to see a doctor of their choosing. You will not be charged for the visit.
Bring the file you have compiled to the hearing. You have the right to see the file they compiled. Look for weaknesses to your claim. Look through the file you compiled for things to strengthen the weakness. There will be a vocational expert present with suggestions for jobs you can do. Judge the suggestion on your ability to perform the duties four to eight hours a day, five or more days a week. Consider the income of the job. Will it enable you to live without further assistance? Now you wait for your outcome. You should soon receive your winning decision.
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