How to Publicize a Health Fair
Determine your health-fair audience. Health fairs can target senior citizens, school-age children or employees of a specific company. Tailor all marketing materials and messaging to your intended audience. By understanding your health-fair market, you will be able to decrease the cost of your marketing and increase the impact of any publicity efforts.
Find a sponsor. Look for a partner or sponsor for your health fair, preferably in the media business. Focus on local television stations, newspapers and radio stations. In exchange for promoting your health fair, put the sponsor's logo on your marketing materials and display the partnership prominently at your health fair. Encourage your sponsor to create media segments leading up to your fair with prominent participants and organizers.
Distribute information through marketing channels specific to your target audience. For example, if your health fair is targeting seniors, advertise on a Golden Oldies radio station and at senior centers. Consider distributing information to non-profit groups that cater to your target audience. Put up a website for your health fair and include information on presenters, booths and services available at your fair. Reference your website on every marketing piece.
Place posters and advertisements in the location where your health fair will be located. Consider having a countdown poster that is changed daily to remind people when the health fair will take place.
Have a marketing blast the day before and the day of your health fair. Push your message from multiple sources like community-service announcements on the morning and evening news, on radio station announcements and in your local newspaper. Consider partnering with a radio station for an on-location promotion for added exposure.