Reasons to Conserve Energy

Conserving energy can be a simple behavioral change that has a lasting societal impact. Here are the reasons you should care to conserve.
  1. Electricity

    • Depending on where you live, your electricity comes from fossil fuels, nuclear power, coal plants or alternative energy. Regardless of how clean or efficient each process is, none of these sources will be around forever. There are many reasons to conserve our current supply of energy.

    Economic Impact

    • Paying for electricity can be expensive. Conserving how much you use lights or electronics (such as televisions, computers, refrigerators) can save your household or business money.

    Social Impact

    • Richer countries and communities tend to utilize more energy than others. Consciously using less energy can allow other communities the opportunity to access energy.

    Environmental Impact

    • While all energy sources have their positive qualities, each also has a negative environmental implication, such as natural habitat loss, blocking animal patterns or groundwater contamination. Conserving energy alleviates a portion of these issues in the long run.

    Future Considerations

    • Consider the next seven generations of human population. To ensure a similar, or better, quality of life for our children, we can protect the resources we utilize and enjoy.

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