Health Fair Planning Guide
Choose Objectives
Choose what the focus of your health fair is going to be. Decide whether you want to focus on a few health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer or on many issues. Look at the needs of your community as you decide what the focus of your health fair will be.
Form a committee that will help with the details that come with organizing a health fair. Within that committee, decide on a budget. Create subcommittees from this committee to assist with things such as security, publicity, parking, insurance, setup/breakdown and volunteer staffing. Make sure that everyone has a clear picture of what he or she is responsible for.
Date and Time
Choose a date for your event. Check to make sure that your event does not coincide with other major events that are happening in the area. If you want to make the health fair a weekend event, pick a weekend that does not fall on a holiday. Decide what hours you want the fair to operate. Remember that the people in your community have different schedules. Make sure your fair hours are flexible enough to fit the schedules of many people.
Once you have picked a date for your event, decided on a venue. Decide whether you want the venue to be indoors, outdoors or a combination. School gyms, hotel conference rooms and church gyms are excellent places to begin your search for a location. Check with the fire marshall to make sure that your venue meets fire and safety codes.
Make a list of people and institutions that you would like to invite to the fair. Local doctors and hospitals may see your fair as a prime opportunity to advertise as they provide health information to the community. Local community clinics will often welcome the opportunity to screen the members of the community. Don't forget to write thank-you notes after the fair for all who participated.
Schedules and Responsibilites
Create a list of schedules and responsibilities for the day of the fair. Have someone who will be accountable for refreshments for those working the fair booths. Make sure greeters are at the entrance of the fair. Maintain a group of people who will operate as security and parking personnel. Someone from the committee should be available during the hours of the fair.