Diseases from Public Jacuzzis
The Danger of the Jacuzzi
Although a bath in a Jacuzzi can be very relaxing and pleasing, there are some disadvantages. They can be a health hazard, as there is a risk of acquiring some diseases from using them. Rita B. Moyes, Ph.D., with the Department of Biology at Texas A&M University, researched the water quality of 43 whirlpool baths and reported her findings in "Microbial Loads in Whirlpool Bathtubs: An Emerging Health Risk": 100 percent of the samples, taken from both private and public hot tubs, contained microbial growth; 95 percent of the water sampled additionally contained enteric organisms; 81 percent had fungi; 56 percent contained Pseudomonas sp.; 36 percent contained Legionella sp. and 34 percent contained Staphlococcus aureus.
Legionnaires Disease
Legionnaires Disease can spread through contaminated droplets of water. "Air conditioning systems (including cooling towers), and hot and cold water systems in buildings are common sources. But did you know that people using your spa bath(s) could also be at risk from catching Legionnaires' disease, as well as other infections?," according to accepta.com. This is mainly do to he fact that a Jacuzzi is not emptied out in between uses. Unlike a pool a Jacuzzi contains hot water, which causes the occupants to perspire and therefore increases the chance of contamination.
Cellulitis is another common disease to watch out for. There is a high risk of the bacteria entering your blood stream in a public Jacuzzi. Cellulitis leads to inflammation of the skin. This usually occurs when there is a break in the skin, such as a crack or a cut. The break can be of any form including blisters, insect bites or surgical wounds. The common sites of inflammation include face and lower legs.
Hepatitis A
This is a disease that is most commonly connected with fecal contamination and is a very dangerous disease. It can be contracted by ingesting contaminated water, which could happen in a hot tub. This disease is more common in older people than in children. Some of the symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a low-grade fever and loss of appetite. Rashes and fatigue are also common side effects.
Giardiasis is an intestinal infection caused by a parasite. The parasite, if ingested, thrives in the intestines causing an infection that has the potential to spread to other humans and animals alike. Because public Jacuzzi's have a continue influx of people, there is a greater chance this parasite can make its way into the water through an infected person's glands. Giardiasis must be ingested to contaminate another person, therefore someone would have to swallow the water from a Jacuzzi to become infected.