Health Display Board Ideas
Emergency Evacuation Route
It is always a good idea to exhibit a well-thought-out plan for an emergency. For example if a fire should break out, everyone would benefit from knowing exactly where to go. Draw up a diagram of every floor of the building. On these diagrams, clearly display the exits. You can even draw arrows illustrating the easiest escape routes from any given area. Add to this plan any instructions that might go along with an emergency evacuation. For example, signs warning not to use the elevators in case of a fire would be beneficial.
General Health Reminders
General health practices are also absolutely relevant to the wellness of your group. This is even more vital during flu season. Posting helpful bits of information to prevent the spread of germs can protect your group and keep your organization running efficiently. Encourage hand washing and sneeze- and cough-covering to help everyone remain virus-free. In the summer, reminders to keep hydrated can help save lives.
OSHA Requirements
In 1971 the Occupational Safety Health Administration, or OSHA, was formed. This organization created a strict set of guidelines that all employers must follow to protect their employees and customers. Since their implementation, OSHA guidelines have reduced accidents and illness in the workplace by 50 percent. Different states have different requirements for which OSHA regulations need to be posted. Some only require the state's labor laws to be visible. Other workplace environments benefit from having policies on practices for blood-born pathogens clearly displayed. You can order posters that detail OSHA guidelines for whatever your state requires and hang them on your display board for all to see.
Contact Information
Finally, your health-display board is a good place to post contact information for any person(s) within your organization who is designated to deal with health and safety issues. If you have a committee, contact information and notice of any meetings or events the committee may have can be added to this area. If the meetings have minutes, this is a good spot to display them. At any rate, it is a good idea to have at least one person and his contact information listed in case any one has health-related questions.