How to Recognize Drugs in Night Clubs
How To Recognize Drugs in Night Clubs
Recognize marijuana as a drug that comes in the form of a leaf rolled in cigarette paper for smoking or baked in a brownie or cookie for eating.
Recognize prescription drugs as coming in tablets and capsules of all sizes, shapes and colors. Be aware that you will not know what you are getting, if someone offers you a prescription drug.
Recognize amphetamines or speed as a drug that comes in several different forms, either as a colored or white tablet or a colored capsule. Amphetamines may also come as white, coarse crystalline powders, with traces of pink or gray. Recognize methamphetamine as shaved glass slivers or clear rock salt.
Recognize ecstasy as a drug that may be introduced to you as "E," "XTC," doves, diamonds, disco biscuits or fantasy. Recognize it as a flat, round tablet in various colors and sizes, but often white, with a small motif embossed on one side. Occasionally, ecstasy comes as a tablet which can be yellow, pink or clear.
Recognize LSD on squares of blotting paper. The squares may be colored or have images printed on them. Liquid LSD comes in a small container, tube or flask. Also recognize LSD in thin squares of gelatin.
Recognize ketamine when it is introduced to you as Special K, green, "K" or cat valium. Recognize it as a white powder or a clear liquid.
Recognize GHB when it is introduced to you as fantasy, Grievous Bodily Harm and liquid ecstasy. It comes as a colorless, odorless liquid or a crystal powder.