Stun Gun Effectiveness
Stun guns, along with pepper spray, are the most popular self-defense mechanisms available to the public. Stun guns deliver a strong electrical charge to an assailant but only are effective at close range. The proper use of a stun gun can disorient and even temporarily disable an aggressive attacker.-
Using a Stun Gun
Unlike the Tasers favored by police, stun guns do not work at any distance.The dangerous end of a stun gun consists of two diodes less than two inches apart that must be pressed against the attacker while the trigger is depressed. The diodes must be in contact with the body of the attacker for approximately three to five seconds. The exact duration varies, especially depending on the size of the person. Touching a solid area such as a hip, back or shoulder is most effective.
How a Stun Gun Works
Stun guns work by delivering a charge of high voltage but low amperage into the attacker's body. As a result of this combination, the charge can be disabling but will not cause any permanent damage except in the case of extended exposure. The high-voltage charge, administered to the attacker's body, disrupts the electrical impulses of the nervous system, causing the muscles to involuntarily contract. During this disruption, the attacker usually can't control his body and after a few seconds, the muscles are exhausted. After a shock from a stun gun, a person may be disabled for 30 minutes.
Element of Surprise
When an attacker is not expecting the shock, the user is more likely to be able to deliver the shock for several seconds. If the attacker anticipates the attack, he can often avoid the diodes. A stun gun also can be extremely effective as a deterrent, in which case showing the attacker the stun gun is to a person's advantage. Brandishing a stun gun may work just as well as using one, especially if you activate the gun, triggering a blue arc of electricity.
Other Factors
There are several other factors that affect a stun gun's effectiveness. The attacker's physical size is the most obvious and most important: Larger persons need a greater voltage or longer exposure to be subdued. If the attacker is excited or enraged, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, he may react differently to the stun gun charge, but these differences are difficult to predict.
Size and Power
Stun gun effectiveness also is dependent on its size. Some models deliver a higher voltage charge than others; these subdue a subject more quickly and easily than lower voltage models.