Tanning Beds Tips

Tanning beds are a way to get a tan quickly. You can get a tan in a tanning bed in as little as eight weeks, even less if you tan easily. Tanning beds are safer today than they once were, and as long as you remember a few safety tips such as making sure the tanning bed is clean before you use it and always protect your eyes, you should have an enjoyable tanning bed experience.
  1. Get and Keep a Good Base Tan

    • Any tan starts with a good base tan. This is true whether you use a tanning bed or the sun. In a tanning bed, however, you are able to obtain a more even base tan faster. You may need to visit the tanning bed every day for at least the first two weeks of your sessions in order to achieve a good base tan. If you burn easily, however, you may need to skip a day between sessions.

      Once you have established your base tan, make frequent visits to the tanning bed in order to keep your tan looking its best. It probably won't be necessary to go every day, but you will need to go at least once every two weeks and more often if you notice it fading.

    Be Careful

    • Even though tanning beds do have safety features, always remember that tanning beds can still be dangerous. Always protect your eyes. Goggles that block UV rays and are intended for use in tanning beds should always be worn. Regular sunglasses or simply covering your eyes with cotton balls or similar material will not keep the rays out of your eyes.

    Take Care of Your Skin

    • Once you have reached your tanning goal, make sure it lasts as long as possible and continues to look its best. This is where proper skin care comes in. Use an accelerator and relaxer when you first start your tanning sessions. The accelerator will help you tan faster, and the relaxer will soothe and nourish your skin after these more frequent sessions.

      As you continue your tanning sessions, keep your skin moisturized. Use moisturizing soaps and lotions, and avoid harsh products such as deodorant soaps or alcohol-based products, which may dry your skin or even cause your tan to fade.

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