Endangered Animals of California
Official Categories
There are three distinct categories of endangered animals in the state of California. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 covers a number of different animals at the federal level. These animals are considered critically imperiled and near extinction. The California Endangered Species Act covers additional animals that the state believes are endangered and need to be conserved but which are not covered by the federal program. A third type of endangered animal exists under the auspices of the California Fish and Game Commission. These are called "species of special concern." Animals in this category reside primarily in the state and are either presently experiencing or have formerly experienced a decline in numbers.
The federal government and the state of California have both identified a number of endangered animals for the strict purpose of preserving the various species for posterity. Every animal in the state is considered important to the functioning ecosystem. Diversity is essential for the continued survival of other animals and plants, and, notably, humans.
California's laws regarding endangered animals are specifically addressed in the state's code of regulations. Under "Title 14: Natural Resources," the authority to enforce the laws about endangered animals falls to the Fish and Game Commission. California and the federal government both supply a number of different agents throughout the state. In addition, many nonprofit organizations such as the Sierra Club work to inform the public about which animals are currently considered endangered.
California has 309 different species listed as endangered animals, the most of any state next to Hawaii. 303 of these species are found within the state, while six listed animals are not. Three species, such as the Canadian lynx, are considered endangered by other states, but not California. Examples of endangered California animals include the short-tailed albatross, the Mount Hermon June beetle, the Shasta crayfish, the Fresno kangaroo rat, the blunt-nose leopard lizard, the northern spotted owl, the chinook California coastal Salmon, the leatherback sea turtle, the San Francisco garter snake and the humpback whale.
The state of California contains one of the most diverse environments of any state in the country. The region contains lakes, rivers, wetlands, deserts, forests, farmlands and oceanic beaches. As such, the challenge to authorities and officials is very complex. Each of these ecosystems is balanced with others. For example, a forest fire in the woodlands may drive certain species into another region. In addition, the environmental impact of the fire may cause damage to waterways draining the area, further threatening endangered species.
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