Fun Ways to Teach Children Safety
Dramatic Play
Children love "playing pretend" and acting out situations. Role playing is a great learning tool for children. Set up a makeshift clinic area where they can practice first aid treatments. Show them the correct procedures and let them play to learn. Provide them with toy phones and have them practice dialing 911 and having an emergency phone conversation. Play the role of the operator yourself and have them relay you their emergency. The goal of this technique is to increase children's comfort levels in emergency situations so that they will know what to do if an emergency arises.
Safety Charades
Charades is a popular learning tool employed by both teachers and parents. Children love charades, so have them play safety charades. Create cards with various safety ideas on them and have children draw the cards to either act out the idea or draw it on a sheet of paper. The student who guesses the presented safety idea correctly gets to draw a card next and act out an idea and so on. For instance, you could write "stop, drop and roll" on one card, and one child could act this out by performing the action.
Safety Coloring Pages
There are numerous coloring pages available for free on the Internet. Many government and educational sites offer ones relating specifically to education. Print out safety coloring pages that include tips and safety advice for kids and have them color them. Children love to color and because it often takes them a long time to finish one page, they must concentrate on the information on the page longer and have a greater chance of retaining it. See the resources listed below for several coloring pages promoting safety for kids.