Cancer Awareness Fundraiser Ideas
Chair-ity Event
Pick and purchase odd-shaped or odd-colored chairs. Recruit artists to add more decorations to it that stick to a theme that aligns with the type of chair. For example, a recliner chair could have a sports theme. Recruit advertisers and local businesses to donate various items that will be attached to each chair, such as gift baskets. Perhaps a subscription to a sports channel could be included with the recliner. Take pictures of the chairs to put on advertisements and e-mail flyers so that people know you will have them for auction. Write colorful descriptions for them. As with any charity event, be sure to include pertinent details as to where the auction will be. Consider serving refreshments for potential bidders and a section of regular fold-up chairs for bidders to sit in. Make sure you cleverly mark those chairs "not for auction."
No-Attendance Party
Since many people may want to donate funds for cancer patients but have little time to be active participants, you could choose to do a "no-attendance necessary" event. You start by creating a fictitious, silly event that seems very highbrow and extremely involved. For example, you could create a "Underwater Volcano Black Tie Luau." Design creative invitation cards that list some of the odd foods and dress requirements for the event, such as a reflective suit that can withstand 2,000 degree magma. Make the event times a tough one, like 3:30 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. Monday morning. Include an RSVP with a small line for "yes" and a large, blatant line for "no." At the bottom of the card, specify that money for each invitation purchased will be donated to your cancer fundraiser and is tax deductible.