Alternatives for Battered Women
Immediate Assistance
When an assault takes place, the victim should call 911 for an immediate emergency response. The police can come and immediately restrain the alleged abuser.
Domestic Abuse Shelters
If a woman is a victim of abuse, she should go to a domestic-abuse shelter to get away from the would-be perpetrator. Shelters offer a place to stay, and workers provide assistance on domestic-violence programs.
Restraining Order
The victim can also file a restraining order with the court that mandates the alleged abuser must keep a set distance from the victim. If the abuser violates the court order, he might face penalties or jail time.
Friends and Family
Friends and family members can offer emotional and financial support as well as possible living arrangements.
Resources to Report Abuse
There are national and state telephone numbers set up such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline so a person can call and get information to deal with a domestic-abuse situation. The person can call anonymously if she is afraid to identify herself.
Domestic abuse not only affects women but also children who live in the home and might witness the abuse.