Different Tips on a Stun Gun
A stun gun is no good if it's buried in a bag while you're attacked in a dark alley or other dangerous spot. Nor is it useful if the batteries are dead. Keep the stun gun in working order by checking the batteries regularly. Get a battery tester if you need to know how much juice is left. Have your stun gun in hand while walking through those dark alley or other potentially hazardous areas, such as lonely roads, parking garages and the shopping mall parking lot.
Don't forget the stun gun's safety switch. It has to be in the "on" position for the weapon to work. Never put your hand above the safety switch or the safety zone where the safety switch plate is.
A stun gun is most effective if you know where to hit. The human body has certain nerve centers that make for ideal targets with a stun gun. These include the upper shoulders, right below the ribs and around the upper part of the hip. Stunning someone in an area filled with nerves will get the quickest and most dramatic results. Also make sure to hold the stun gun in place for at least three to five seconds to ensure an effective hit.
Do not fear your stun gun. Become fully confident in its features and operation with constant practice. Also do not worry that it will backfire and shock you instead of the target. That will not happen, even if the target is holding onto you. The electricity will not travel through his body to effect your own. Increase your confidence by practicing frequently. The feel, operation and use of a stun gun should become second nature. Don't turn it into something you fumble with in the face of danger.