Myths About Lice
Head Lice Jump, Hop and Fly
Lice crawl from one person to another, usually through sustained contact when two heads are touching.
Children Only Get Lice in School
Children can get head lice in the school setting. However, many lice infections are spread from friends, family members and people in the community.
Lice Only Live in Clean, Short Hair
Lice don't have a preference when it comes to their habitat. Hair can be clean or dirty or long or short, and lice will still thrive.
Lice Are Killed by Combing
Hair combing simply makes lice detection easier. However, there is no evidence to support that combing will break tiny lice legs and prevent them from laying eggs. Nor will combing kill them.
Nits and Lice are the Same Thing
Nits are the eggs that are laid on the hair shaft; they are stationary. Lice are the small insects that move around on the head.