Safety Rules to Prevent Accidents

Every day we are faced with many different situations in which there is a potential for an accident to happen, whether at home, at work or while traveling. Most accidents are easily preventable with the use of some common sense coupled with an active sense of awareness of your surroundings.
  1. Safety Rules for Driving

    • Many accidents that occur while driving are caused by a driver's inattention to driving as a result of a distraction such as the stereo, eating or a cellular phone. You can avoid an accident while driving by simply obeying common safety rules. The first rule is to not talk on the phone or text message while driving. Rather than holding the phone and looking at the screen, use a hands-free device such as a headset or speakerphone. Many newer model cars come with an integrated Bluetooth speakerphone built into the dashboard, making it easy to transition from a hand-held call while walking to a hands-free call once you get in your car. The built-in systems automatically pick up the call from your cell phone within 20 feet of the car.
      The second safety rule for driving is to avoid eating or drinking while driving. Though this is sometimes unavoidable, if you must eat or drink while driving, make sure that your food is easily accessible with one hand so that your attention is not taken away from the road.
      A third safety rule is to avoid driving while intoxicated. Even if you don't think you're drunk or that your driving would be impaired by the amount of alcohol you've had, you very easily could be over the legal limit. After having one beer or glass of wine, it is a good idea to wait at least 2 hours before driving. If you are planning to drink alcohol while out at dinner ,select a designated driver in advance who will not be partaking of alcoholic beverages in order to make sure that everyone gets home safely.
      The fourth rule of safe driving is to wear a seat belt. Many states require that you wear a safety belt while in a vehicle because they help to protect you in case of an accident by restraining your body in such a way as to cause a minimal amount of injury.

    Preventing Accidents at Home

    • The vast majority of accidents happen in the home. Using common sense while cleaning and organizing your home can help to prevent many of these accidents. Keep cleaning products in a secure area away from heat and flame, and out of reach of children. Remove common obstacles such as loose wires and cables from walkways. Put away children's toys that are not in use to prevent tripping and falling. Monitor any burning candles or incense. Also, turn off and unplug any appliances not in use to avoid fire hazards.

    Safety While Working

    • Like other accidents, workplace accidents can often be easily avoided by using common sense and keeping in mind some simple safety rules. For instance, wear any protective gear necessary for your job, including safety glasses, gloves and steel-toed boots. Be aware of your co-workers and their actions, especially with regard to any equipment being used. Ask for help when necessary, including when lifting objects. Lift with your legs and keep your back straight. If an object is too large or heavy to easily lift on your own, do not be afraid to ask for help when moving it. If an accident does happen, report it to your supervisor and seek immediate medical attention.

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