Substance Abuse Prevention Techniques
Substance abuse prevention begins with the family, the earlier the better. Ideally, parents and children bond while the children are young, building a foundation for communication during the challenging adolescent years ahead. Parents should talk with their children about the dangers of using/abusing alcohol and drugs, including tobacco products. They also must enforce family rules and have expectations for children. Families should work together on projects and homework assignments, including those that pertain to substance abuse.
Educating children about the dangers of substance abuse should begin in preschool with parents, teachers and school administrators taking part. Young children gain by learning to solve problems and deal with emotions, including frustration, stress and anger. They also benefit from learning how to express feelings to others, since suppressed emotions can lead to unhealthy methods of resolving conflicts and problems.
Older children in middle school and high school might discuss the dangers of drug abuse and the influence of peers, television, music, books, magazines and other factors, both environmental and genetic. They also can explore drug resistance skills, critical thinking and how to assert themselves with their peers. School-based substance-abuse prevention programs should be offered regularly and often; these programs should use instructional videos, school assemblies with special guests, posting of anti-drug signs around school zones and campaigns in which members and their roles are clearly defined.
Many churches, clubs, employers and treatment centers are reliable sources of information and support in the substance-abuse prevention effort. Police and civic leaders, athletes and entertainers all can play an important role in discouraging the use and abuse of controlled substances. Health clinics and doctor offices should display pamphlets and materials that discourage the use of harmful substances and provide information on treatment options. Police and the community justice system should work together to rigorously enforce the laws prohibiting underage drinking, driving while intoxicated and illegal drug use. Shopkeepers should protect the younger members of the community by enforcing age requirements when selling tobacco products and alcohol. Training and education also should be available to vendors of tobacco products and alcohol, and licenses should be revoked if they violate the laws. Visible and influential members of the community should promote the anti-drug and alcohol message through ads, signs, literature and other means. Formal policies might include removing cigarette vending machines and establishing no-smoking ordinances in specific areas; employers who hire youths or students should conduct routine drug tests and insist on a no-smoking rule at work.
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