How to Create a List of Values
Things You'll Need
- Paper Pencil
How to Create a List of Values
Decide what's important. Begin by writing down what's important to you. Ask yourself the important questions such as, "What kind of person do I want to be?" or "How do I want to live my life?" You need to always keep in mind that for the most part you have already decided what you want to be, the hard part is deciding who you want to be.
Think about what makes you happy. People are generally driven by emotion at some level in most of the things they do. Because of this, you need to write down what makes you feel good emotionally. Prioritize these feelings from most important to least important. Then every day, aim to feel the emotions at the top of your list.
Concentrate on doing. Many have tried to prove that money and material things can buy happiness, and for some this may be true. However, when making your list of values, you may find you will get further if you concentrate more on doing the small things in life that make you happy rather than concentrating on doing what you can to be as wealthy as possible. If you have kids, set aside a specific time of day, every day, to take them to the park, rather than putting in those extra hours at the office.
Make your goals enjoyable. If one of your goals, or values for yourself, is to get into better physical condition, make sure you list an activity you enjoy to help you with it. This will ensure your success at sticking with your list on a consistent basis.
Edit your list. The greatest favor you can do for yourself is to proofread your list of values and making sure you are happy with what you have written and the order you have them listed in. If anything makes you feel bad or uneasy, remove it and rewrite it. Remember, this is your list and your life. Write and live it to complete happiness.