What Are the Dangers of Sunbeds?
The sunbed, along with the sun itself, is a plentiful source of UV radiation, and overexposure to this radiation, regardless of whether the source is artificial or natural, can cause a number of health problems.
UV Damage
UVA rays cause the skin to tan because they penetrate the skin at a deeper level than their counterpart, UVB rays. If you've ever had a sunburn, you've come into contact with UVB rays, which impact the surface of the skin and can cause sunburns.
Sunbed fans claim that, because it provides more UVA tanning rays and fewer UVB burning rays than natural sunlight, it is a safer way to add a healthy-looking glow to your skin. But since UVA rays can penetrate the skin they have great potential for damage as well, according to the FDA.
Skin Cancer
Perhaps the greatest danger posed by sunbed use is skin cancer, as it can deliver three to eight times more penetrating UVA rays than sunlight. While UVA rays can yield a golden tan, the tan itself is actually a sign of the body's attempts to protect itself by producing more melanin. Both UVB and UVA rays can cause skin cancer by damaging skin cell DNA. The end result is a greater risk of basil cell or squamous cell carcinoma, which is highly treatable, or melanoma carcinoma, which can be deadly.
Eye Damage
Close range exposure to UV radiation, like that experienced in a sunbed, can damage the eyes, which is why most sunbed facilities supply safety goggles to help protect clients' eyes. Nonetheless, it is unclear how much protection goggles offer. Ultraviolet exposure is believed to increase the likelihood of causing certain eye diseases, including cataracts and macular degeneration.
Premature Aging
Habitual sunbed use can cause premature aging of the skin, as the deep penetration of UVA rays can damage the skin's elastin fibers and collagen. The symptoms of premature aging include leathery skin, wrinkles and dark spots, and once these symptoms appear, they are permanent.
Sunburns are another potential danger of sunbed use, and none of these machines should ever be used for longer than 20 minutes at a time. In addition, a new user must slowly build up to that time or a nasty sunburn can result. In addition to pain and short-term damage to the skin, the chance of getting skin cancer at a later date may be increased. According to the FDA, there is a link between sunburn and melanoma.
Suppressed Immune System
If a sunbed user is overexposed to UV rays his immune system may feel the effects. Suppression of the immune system is another danger of overexposure to ultraviolet radiation. When the immune system is not functioning properly, the body is more susceptible to infection and disease.