Advantages of Human Cloning
Regenerative Medicine
Embryonic stem cells hold the genetic information necessary to become almost any tissue in the human body. If you were suffering from a disability, you could clone yourself for the purpose of extracting stem cells from the embryo within the 5th day of post-fertilization, thereby enabling scientists to grow and replace specific body parts or organs customized to your needs. The embryo is destroyed in the process.
Therapeutic Cloning
The benefit of therapeutic cloning is that it reduces the probability of a patient's immune system rejecting any treatment. The host's genetic information is inserted into a donor egg, void of its nucleus, followed by a small and artificially produced electrical current, which encourages the egg and DNA to combine, thereby activating cellular division within the egg. The result is almost a perfect copy of that individual in the earliest stages of life. The process just described is called somatic cell nuclear transfer.
Cloning a Deceased Child
Cloning a child that passed away may be therapeutic for a grieving family. The idea of having an exact genetic replica of a deceased child may aid parents in lessening sentiments of loss. The cloned child may be appreciated as a second chance, thereby empowering the parents to move forward with their lives. Moreover, the psychological stability of the child-clone may be affected, possibly for the better, by replacing his notion of uniqueness with an indifference toward originality; and may empower him to make choices involving others that might otherwise be tragic from a "humanity as a novelty" viewpoint.
Cloning Yourself
Aside from humankind's tendencies to favor narcissistic activities, the advantages of human cloning may be genetic duplicates of yourself as offspring. The reasons may range from the simply nostalgia of the idea to the continuity of an agenda. For example, although raising an exact copy of yourself doesn't diminish the distinctiveness of life experiences unique to your younger self, the way parent and identical child process information may be in fact very similar; and who best to teach yourself than yourself? Agenda inheritance like wealth inheritance is a commonly observed practice among human affairs; passing down wealth or ambitions to your clone may merely be a refinement of the phenomenon.
Cloning Prominent People
The prospect of cloning people exceptional in some way, such as Bruce Lee, David Foster Wallace, mathematical geniuses and supermodels, may inspire a set of eerie legal circumstances involving trademark rights or a sort of agenda inheritance redefining how we measure a person's "life success" by an ever-expanding expectation of multilife accomplishments.