What Is Pink Eye Caused by?
According to MedicineNet.com, conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is caused by bacteria, viruses, allergy-provoking agents, irritants, toxic agents and other diseases within the body. Visible on the inner part of the eyelids, conjunctivitis results in redness and inflammation of the whites of the eyes.
There are several types of infectious pink eye, including viral pink eye, bacterial pink eye, and Chlamydia pink eye. Viral pink eye is caused by a number of viruses that can enter the eye and results in a watery discharge. Bacterial pink eye is commonly caused by bacteria like staphylococci, pneumococci, and streptococci. Symptoms commonly include eye pain, swelling, redness and yellow or greenish discharge. Chlamydia pink eye is caused by chlamydia and is rare in the United States. It is treated with tetracycline.
Non-Infectious Types
Other non-infectious pink eye types include allergic pink eye and chemical pink eye. Allergic pink eye is usually the result of irritation of the eye due to animal dander, dust and irritants in the air. Symptoms include intense itching, tearing, and swelling. Chemical pink eye is the result of household cleaners, sprays of any kind, smoke, smog and industrial pollutants. This form of pink eye can be remedied by washing the eyes thoroughly with water.
Persistent Pink Eye
Persistent pink eye is generally the result of an underlying disease or disorder within the body. Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and Kawasaki's disease are diseases that commonly result in persistent pink eye.
Pink eye can only be transferred through direct contact, and in the case of chlamydia pink eye, exposure to chlamydia. To prevent transferring forms of pink eye, always wash your hands, avoid touching the eyes and never re-use or share tissues used to wipe the eyes.