Extinguishers That Can Be Used on Electrical Fires?

Extinguishers that can be used on electrical fires are limited. Using the wrong extinguisher could take a life. Using the correct extinguisher could minimize the damage to your equipment. Make sure that the extinguisher that you use is appropriate for your emergency.


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      According to the U.S. fire administration, in 2008 an estimated 68,000 electrical fires resulted in nearly 500 deaths. Music, video, heating and other electronic devices are commonly to blame, but there is also the risk of fire from faulty wiring. Overloaded circuits and old wiring can heat up and start fires in the walls where they aren't even seen. Though fire extinguishers may not put out a house fire, they can provide the means of escape and buy time until the fire department arrives. Extinguishers that can be used on electrical fires are life-saving devices in such circumstances.

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      Selecting the correct fire extinguisher is critical. There are different fire types described by the designations A, B, C and D. If the fire is type A, then the materials are "normal" combustible materials. These materials may be wood, paper, certain plastics or other conventionally burning material that doesn't fit into other categories. If the extinguisher displays only A as the type of fire that it can put out and has APW on it, it means that the extinguisher is "air pressurized water" and is not suitable to use on electrical fires since water conducts electricity.

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      The appropriate extinguishers that can be used on electrical fires are extinguishers that are designated as category C, meaning that it does not conduct electricity. The extinguishers that most commonly are available for electrical fires are BC and ABC types. These are what are known as dry extinguishers. If the extinguisher says that it is ABC, for example, the extinguisher is appropriate for electrical fires since the C means that it has been designed to not conduct electricity.

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      BC extinguishers are commonly filled with a bicarbonate, and they are only mildly corrosive and can be used on electrical fires. Other types of BC extinguishers may contain carbon dioxide that deprives a fire of air. These BC extinguishers usually suppress the fire, assuming that the fire doesn't include type A materials that are more likely to flare up again. Carbon dioxide by itself leaves no residue to damage electrical devices. Some extinguishers use carbon dioxide in combination with other ingredients and may leave a sticky residue.

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      The ABC type of extinguisher is the most universal (since it also is used for conventional fires) but leaves a sticky residue that is more corrosive to circuitry and should be cleaned off as soon as possible to prevent further damage to components. The residue should be easy to identify since it is yellow (in the case of mono-ammonium phosphate).

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