Helping the Homeless
Direct Assistance...
Make coffee and sandwiches. Distribute them in locations where homeless people congregate. Donate excess garden produce to your local homeless shelter. If you do not garden, purchase produce to donate.
Collect used coats, hats, gloves and blankets to distribute as soon as weather gets cool. Collect unwanted household items to donate to transitional housing programs.
Start a family tradition: arrange for the entire family to work a holiday weekend at a feeding center or homeless shelter in your area. Have each member of the family bring an ingredient for a dinner for that evening. Be sure to get an accurate estimated head count to ensure bringing enough to provide two servings for everyone.
Volunteer medical, dental and nursing services if you have the credentials to do so. Patronize medical professionals who provide services to the homeless. Donate medical and first aid supplies to mobile clinics in the community.
Provide transitional housing services by agreeing to rent to someone who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless if you are a property owner. Join Habitat for Humanity or the Make it Right Foundation.
Indirect Assistance...
Vote. Be sure to participate in every election, paying close attention to issues which contribute to homelessness. Elect officials who are dedicated to fairness and equity, and who have compassion. When tax levies for public health, education, mental health services, and housing services come up for renewal, campaign to get them passed and vote for them on Election Day.
Educate yourself. Find out the facts about homelessness in your area. Learn everything you can about contributing causes of homelessness.
Urge your Congressperson to sponsor and pass legislation which will provide a living wage. Patronize businesses which engage in Fair Trade practices, including paying suppliers and employees a living wage, providing health insurance, and practicing non-discrimination in hiring.
Avoid NIMBYism: when a shelter is proposed in your area, do not automatically join the outcry against it. Assist in the planning process and make your concerns known, but do not sabotage efforts to provide services to the homeless.