How to Become an Exercise Physiologist
Things You'll Need
- Bachelor's Degree
- Money to take the Exercise Physiologist Certified Test
- Passing grade on the Exercise Physiologist Test
Prepare for a career as an exercise physiologist while you are in high school. The College Board recommends that high school students interested in studying Exercise Science and becoming exercise physiologists should enroll in advanced placement biology classes. Other useful high school courses include chemistry and statistics.
Apply to a four-year college with a strong Exercise Science program. A college guide book or a website categorizing colleges by major are useful places to find a qualifying college or university.
Work at a local hospital or health care facility to earn internship credits. This will also enable you to have hands-on experience as an Exercise Physiologist. The internship, paid or unpaid, will be valuable when you graduate and are looking for full-time work.
Study for and pass the Exercise Physiologist Certified exam given by the American Society of Exercise Physiologists. Or, get certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The ACSM offers certification for clinical exercise physiologists.
Increase your chances of becoming an exercise physiologist by furthering your higher education and earning a Master's Degree. The other option would be to apply for an exercise physiologist job in an educational setting, where they will pay for you to further your education.