How to Immobilize an Attacker

Whether you live in a busy city or a quiet suburb, you're at risk of becoming a victim of crime. Men and women should both know basic self defense techniques to protect themselves and fend off an attacker. There are a few simple moves that can immobilize an attacker and help keep you from becoming a victim of crime.


    • 1

      Drive an elbow into the attacker's solar plexus. If the attacker is behind you, ball up your fist and use the full force of your arm to drive your elbow back into the attacker's stomach. Try to aim low so your blow isn't deflected by their ribcage. This blow will hurt and knock the wind out of your attacker, temporarily immobilizing them.

    • 2

      Step down on your attacker's instep with as much force as possible. There are many small bones and muscles in the instep of the foot, and stomping on it hard will cause intense pain that will render your attacker unable to walk for a while. Use the heel of your foot for maximum impact and do it quickly so your attacker doesn't have a chance to move his foot out of the way.

    • 3

      Bring your head back forcefully and hit your attacker's nose. This move is useful if your attacker is holding your arms and legs, and you can't strike with any other body parts. Do this quickly but forcefully, so your attacker can't move his head out of the way. You might break his nose with this move, but at the very least you'll hurt and disorient him.

    • 4

      Knee your attacker in the groin. This move causes a lot of pain for a male attacker and will temporarily immobilize him. Bring your knee up into his groin if he's in front of you or on top of you. If you can't reach his groin with your knee or he's behind you, step or shift to the side and swing straight back and strike his groin with your fist.

    • 5

      Spray your attacker with pepper spray. Pepper spray is available in canisters small enough to fit on your key chain. Hold the pepper spray as close to your attacker's face as possible and aim directly for his eyes. Spray quickly so he doesn't have the chance to knock the canister out of your hands.

    • 6

      Jab your fingers into your attacker's eyes. Hold your fingers straight and stiff and aim directly for both of his eyes. His eyes will tear up and he will be in extreme pain, causing him to be temporarily blind and giving you a chance to get away.

    • 7

      Hit your attacker as hard as you can. Don't hesitate because this will give him the time he needs to move in and eliminate your chances of getting away. Defend yourself by whatever means necessary.

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