How to Survive Winter in Syracuse
Things You'll Need
- Winter coat
- Long underwear
- Thick socks
- Boots
Bundle up. While winter coats are typically not the most fashionable things in the world, they do provide some use. In Syracuse, the temperature is bad, but the wind chill is worse. Negative 20-degree winds aren’t out of the ordinary. It often got so cold my iPod would stop working. Winter in Syracuse is all about survival. Fashion is secondary. Long johns are essential. I usually wore two pairs of socks. You’ll never be too warm when you’re outside during a Syracuse winter.
Walk on the streets. Snow comes hard and comes often in the Salt City. Oftentimes residents lack the time, or the will, to keep up with shoveling. The city does a great job of plowing the roads, so the street is usually the most snow-free area around. Assuming traffic isn’t too heavy and you’re paying attention to the passing cars, I’d recommend that.
Go out and socialize. Staying home during the winter months will only make you grumpy. Try to go out and act as you normally would. It’ll get your mind off the awful weather but also get you to commiserate with others. You’re not the only one who hates the weather.
Give yourself enough time to get somewhere. With snow, ice and rain come increased hazards. Too many accidents result from reckless driving in bad weather. You won’t be rushed if you allow yourself time to get to places. Add at least 20 minutes to your commute. With walking, add about 12 minutes to trudge through the snow. If you take your time, you might be inconvenienced by having to wait around. But if you rush, you might be inconvenienced by being injured by a fall or other accident.