How to Write a Homeowner's Association Mission Statement
Appoint a person or persons to craft the mission statement.
Know who you represent. Do the assembled members (the homeowners) favor tight controls on decorations and displays? Are they looking for a calm, quiet neighborhood ambience? Look for commonalities among the homeowners that will affect the goals of the homeowner's association.
Try to describe limits of HOA jurisdiction. What kinds of things will the HOA rule on or encourage? Write up a list of things that the HOA will deal with and things that it will not handle for the homeowners.
Write several drafts. Circulate these drafts throughout the association for feedback. Revise them according to hints from surveys, or direct participation by those outside of the writing committee.
Take a committee vote on any controversial aspects of the mission statement and come up with a final version. This document will help planners as they work on implementing the goals of the association and of the assembled homeowners.