CPR Courses in Sandusky, OH
Types of Classes
CPR guidelines for children are different than for adults. Professionals require different certifications. Fortunately, a variety of courses are available in Sandusky to address varying needs. The following are offered regularly: Adult CPR and Automated External Defibrillator Training; Adult, Infant and Child CPR/AED Training; CPR for the Professional Rescuer; Coach's Sports Safety Training; CPR/First Aid Instructor Course; and Heartsaver First Aid with CPR/AED.
Firelands Regional Medical Center
Firelands Regional Medical Center (firelands.com) offers a variety of CPR and first aid classes through its community education department. Courses are offered at the South Campus on Hayes Avenue at a variety of times. Classes include: HeartSaver First Aid with CPR/AED, which, according to its website, teaches the basics of first aid and offers certification for CPR and AED; and Infant & Child CPR for Family and Friends. For nurses, doctors and other professionals, Firelands offers the Healthcare Provider CPR course.
Firelands Red Cross
A multitude of courses are offered through the American Red Cross Firelands Chapter (firelandsredcross.org) for anyone from lifeguards and coaches to healthcare workers and future CPR and first aid instructors. Programs offered though the office include Adult CPR with AED, Infant and Child CPR with AED and CPR for the Professional Rescuer and Healthcare Provider. Successful completion of each course results in a two-year certification. Combination classes, such as CPR and first aid, are sometimes offered together at a lower rate than if they are taken separately. In Sandusky, the Red Cross offers certification courses at two locations: the Red Cross office at 300 Central Ave., and at Northern Ohio Medical Specialists, at 2500 W. Strub Road.
On-site training
The Red Cross office also offers on-site training options for companies and groups around Erie and Huron counties. According to its website, the Red Cross provides qualified instructors for training sessions or can train one of your staff members to conduct classes for your company or organization.