How to Train in CPR for Babysitting
Move the child to a flat surface and lay her on her back. Handle the child gingerly, to avoid twisting the back or neck.
Tilt the child's head back gently to open the airway. Lean down and place your ear next to the child's mouth to listen for breathing. Open the child's mouth and check for obstructions.
Take a deep breath and close your mouth around the child's mouth (if the child is small enough, clamp your mouth over their nose and chin). Pinch the child's nose shut with one hand and keep her mouth open with the other.
Blow into the child's mouth until the chest rises, slightly. Inhale again through your nose and pump the second breath of air into the child's lungs.
Place your hands (one over the other) on the child's chest. Press down to compress it by 2-inches. Compress the child's chest (over her heart) 30 times at a rate of 100 compressions per minute before you give her two more breaths of air.
Repeat the compression and breathing process until help arrives. If you are alone with the child, perform CPR before you call for help. Once you place the emergency call, resume the CPR process.