How to Use CPR Mannequins
Things You'll Need
- CPR mannequin
- Disposable lung bags
- Anti-bacterial soap
- Soft cloth
Prepare the Mannequin
Wash the face and body of the mannequin using a soft cloth and anti-bacterial soap. Check to make sure there are no external scratches, or surface damage on the dummy.
Remove the chest piece of the mannequin and find the spout, located near the neck of the dummy. Insert the nozzle of the lung bag into the spout.
Replace the chest piece back before using the CPR mannequin. Check to make sure all the pieces fit tightly together and that no parts of the mannequin are loose or ill-fitting.
Using the CPR Mannequin
Place the dummy on its back and tilt the head back to open the airway. Cover the mannequin's mouth with your own so that it creates an airtight seal. Deliver two hard, quick breaths into the mouth, which will cause the mannequin's chest to rise.
Place the mound of one hand over the center of the chest and place your other hand over the first hand. Push straight down on the chest using your upper body weight and practice chest compressions. Practice thirty chest compressions followed by two breaths.
Open the chest of the dummy after practice and remove the lung bag. Clean the outside of the dummy with soap and water, then store the dummy for future practice.