What regulation need for evaluate risk assessment DA PAM 190-51?

* AR 385-10: The Army Safety Program

This regulation establishes policies and procedures for the Army Safety Program. It requires risk assessments to be conducted for all activities that have the potential to cause injury or damage to personnel, property, or the environment.

* DA PAM 385-10: The Army Safety Program Manual

This manual provides detailed guidance on how to implement the Army Safety Program. It includes a chapter on risk assessment that provides instructions on how to identify, assess, and control risks.

* DA PAM 385-69: Risk Management Framework for Army Materiel Acquisition

This pamphlet provides guidance on how to apply risk management principles to Army materiel acquisition programs. It includes a chapter on risk assessment that provides instructions on how to identify, assess, and control risks associated with materiel acquisition programs.

* AR 190-51: The Occupational Health and Safety Program for Civilian Employees

This regulation establishes policies and procedures for the Army Occupational Health and Safety Program for Civilian Employees. It requires risk assessments to be conducted for all activities that have the potential to cause injury or illness to civilian employees.

* DA PAM 190-51: The Occupational Health and Safety Program for Civilian Employees Manual

This manual provides detailed guidance on how to implement the Army Occupational Health and Safety Program for Civilian Employees. It includes a chapter on risk assessment that provides instructions on how to identify, assess, and control risks associated with civilian employee activities.

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