How do you perfom CPR on an adult?
1. Check for Responsiveness:
- Gently shake and shout to the person, "Are you okay?"
- If there's no response and they're not breathing, coughing, or moving, they may need CPR.
2. Call for Help:
- Call 911 (or your local emergency number) immediately for professional medical assistance.
3. Position the Person:
- Place the person on a flat and firm surface, like the floor.
4. Open the Airway:
- Tilt the head back slightly to open the airway. Ensure the person's chin isn't touching their chest.
5. Check for Breathing:
- Look, listen, and feel for normal breathing for no more than 10 seconds. If they aren't breathing normally, begin rescue breaths.
6. Give Rescue Breaths (If Necessary):
- Pinch their nose shut, cover their mouth completely with your mouth, and give two slow breaths (each about 1 second long) while watching their chest rise.
7. Start Chest Compressions:
- Place the heel of one hand in the center of the person's chest (just below the nipple line).
- Position your other hand over the first hand and interlock your fingers.
- Using straight elbows, lock your arms and lean over the person, pressing down the chest at least 2 inches deep.
- Deliver chest compressions at a rate of approximately 100 to 120 compressions per minute.
- Count aloud to maintain a consistent rhythm and depth.
8. Allow for Chest Recoil:
- After each compression, let the chest rise back to its normal position before giving the next compression.
9. Continue CPR:
- Continue cycles of 30 compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths until:
- The person begins to breathe normally.
- Help arrives.
- You're too exhausted to continue.
10. Switch Rescuers:
- If another person is available, trade positions every few minutes to avoid fatigue.
11. Use an AED (If Available):
- If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is nearby, turn it on and follow the voice prompts for guidance on using the device.
Remember that CPR is a temporary measure to sustain blood flow and oxygen until professional medical care arrives. It's crucial to seek immediate emergency assistance while performing CPR to increase the person's chances of recovery.