What is cpt code 98001?

CPT Code 98001: Inpatient consultation

CPT code 98001 is a procedural code used in medical billing to indicate an inpatient consultation. This code is used when a physician provides a consultation to a patient who is admitted to the hospital. The consultation may be related to the patient's current medical condition, or it may be for a new or different medical problem.

Requirements for CPT Code 98001

In order for CPT code 98001 to be billed, the following requirements must be met:

* The consultation must be performed by a physician who is not the patient's primary care physician.

* The consultation must be performed in the hospital.

* The consultation must be documented in the patient's medical record.

Reimbursement for CPT Code 98001

The reimbursement for CPT code 98001 varies depending on the payer. However, most payers will reimburse for the code at a rate of $100 to $200.

Modifiers for CPT Code 98001

There are several modifiers that can be used with CPT code 98001 to indicate additional circumstances or services. Some of the most common modifiers include:

* -51: Multiple consultations

* -52: Subsequent consultation

* -54: Emergency consultation

* -55: Consult on a patient in a critical care unit

Coding Tips for CPT Code 98001

Here are a few tips for coding CPT code 98001:

* Use modifier -51 when billing for a hospital consultation performed by a physician from the same specialty as the primary care physician. Use modifier -52 when billing for a subsequent inpatient consultation in the same calendar year.

* Use modifier -54 if the consultation was ordered due to an emergency. Use modifier -55 if the consultation was performed on a patient in the intensive care unit.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are billing CPT code 98001 correctly.

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