WHAT IS CPT 90802?
The CPT code description for 90802 is: "Pneumococcal vaccine, administration."
This code is typically used when the vaccine is administered to a patient in a physician's office or clinic setting. It includes the cost of the vaccine as well as the administration fee. Medicare pays approximately $23.21 for this code.
Here are some additional details about CPT code 90802:
* The code is for the administration of the pneumococcal vaccine only. It does not include the cost of the vaccine itself.
* The code can be used for both adults and children.
* The code can be used for both the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) and the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23).
When billing for CPT code 90802, you should submit the following information to the insurance company:
* The patient's name and date of birth
* The date of service
* The CPT code and description
* The number of units of service
* The diagnosis code
If you have any questions about billing for CPT code 90802, you should contact your insurance company.