What is code 99444 used for in cpt coding?
The global period is the time frame during which a patient is expected to recover from surgery. The postoperative period is the time frame after surgery when a patient is being monitored and treated for any complications.
CPT code 99444 is typically used for follow-up visits that occur within the global period or postoperative period. The code can also be used for follow-up visits that occur after the global period or postoperative period, if the visit is related to the original procedure.
The following are some examples of when CPT code 99444 might be used:
* A patient has surgery to remove a tumor. The surgeon schedules a follow-up visit two weeks after the surgery to check the patient's progress and to remove the sutures.
* A patient has a hysterectomy. The surgeon schedules a follow-up visit six weeks after the surgery to check the patient's progress and to perform a pelvic exam.
* A patient has a knee replacement surgery. The surgeon schedules a follow-up visit three months after the surgery to check the patient's progress and to perform an X-ray.