What is the preferred CPR for an infant?

The preferred CPR for an infant involves the following steps:

1. Check Responsiveness:

- Gently shake the infant's shoulders while calling out loudly, "Are you okay?"

- If the infant is unresponsive, activate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) or call for help.

2. Begin Chest Compressions:

- Place two fingers (index and middle fingers) in the center of the infant's chest, just below the nipple line.

- Compress the chest about 1/3 to 1/2 of its depth at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.

- Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions.

3. Give Rescue Breaths:

- Pinch the infant's nose closed with one hand.

- Cover the infant's entire mouth with your mouth, creating a complete seal.

- Give two slow, gentle breaths, ensuring the infant's chest rises with each breath.

4. Continue Cycles of Compressions and Breaths:

- Perform 30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths.

- Continue this cycle until the infant starts breathing, help arrives, or you become too fatigued to continue.

5. Defibrillator Use (If Available):

- If a defibrillator with infant-sized pads is available, follow the device's instructions for pediatric defibrillation.

Remember: Proper CPR training and certification are crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of the infant during cardiopulmonary emergencies.

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