AED Grants for Churches
Initial Life Support Foundation
The Initial Life Support Foundation has set up a grant program to put AEDs in churches for under $1,000. This program provides financial assistance so the churches can purchase brand new equipment. The Foundation also realizes that just purchasing the equipment is not enough, as there must be trained individuals to use the equipment when needed, and thus has partnered with local EMS and fire departments to assist churches with the necessary training for members of the congregations.
United Way
The United Way raises money for numerous worthy causes, and some local United Way organizations have provided grant money to purchase AEDs for organizations such as churches. The United Way is able to purchase the medical devices in bulk and pass on the savings, in addition to paying part of the cost.
Another source of grant money is local, state and federal governments. Zoll is a manufacturer of AEDs and its website provides links and information as to the process of obtaining grant money. Not only does Zoll provide the information to obtain a government grant, it also provides a list of all organizations that provide grant money, which can be used by churches. CPR Savers also provides on its website a wealth of information about AED grants and the process for obtaining those grants.