Ten Step CPR Instructions
Look around you for potential danger. If it is safe, tap the victim and call his name to see if he is conscious.
Call 911 or tell someone nearby to call for you.
Move the victim onto his back, but be gentle in case there are broken bones or internal bleeding.
Push the person's forehead back gently, while pushing up his chin with the other hand. This action makes the tongue move out of the airway.
Place your ear near the victim's mouth to feel or hear for breathing.
Pinch the victim's nose with your fingers.
Place your mouth firmly over the victim's and give a normal-sized breath into his lungs. Give a second breath to the victim after one second. Make sure his chest is rising with each breath.
Check for a pulse by pressing your fingertips to the inner wrists or under the jawline near the ears.
Put one hand in the middle of the person's chest, directly above the end of the sternum. Place your other hand firmly on top of the first hand. You should feel the solid, bony sternum of the person's chest underneath your palm.
Keep your arm straight and push down on the person's sternum 30 times in a row. The rate of pumping is approximately 16 pumps every 10 seconds. The victim's chest should go down about 2 inches with each pump. Repeat steps 5 through 10 until the victim revives or help arrives.