How will you perform CPR on an unresponsive man with no signs of life?
1. Check for Responsiveness:
- Tap the person's shoulder and shout, "Are you okay?"
- If there is no response, the person is unresponsive and needs CPR.
2. Call for Help:
- If someone else is present, ask them to call emergency services (911 or local emergency number) immediately.
- If you are alone, call for help first, then return to the person and start CPR.
3. Position the Person:
- Lay the person on their back on a firm, flat surface.
- Ensure their airway is clear by gently tilting their head back and lifting their chin.
4. Check for Breathing:
- Look, listen, and feel for normal breathing for no more than 10 seconds.
- If the person is not breathing or is gasping for air, begin CPR.
5. Start Chest Compressions:
- Position your hands on the person's chest, with one hand on top of the other and fingers interlocked.
- Place the heel of your bottom hand on the person's sternum, between the nipples.
- Use your body weight to deliver chest compressions by pushing down firmly and allowing the chest to recoil.
- Aim for a rate of approximately 100-120 compressions per minute.
- Push down 3.8 to 5 centimeters (1.5 to 2 inches) on the chest.
- Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions.
6. Give Rescue Breaths:
- After every 30 compressions, open the person's airway by tilting their head back and lifting their chin.
- Pinch their nose shut and give two rescue breaths.
- Watch for the chest to rise and fall with each breath.
- Each breath should last about 1 second.
7. Continue CPR Cycles:
- Perform 30 compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths.
- Continue this cycle until:
- The person starts showing signs of life (e.g., coughing, breathing, or moving).
- Trained medical personnel arrive and take over.
- You become too exhausted to continue.
8. Use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator):
- If an AED is available, turn it on and follow the voice prompts.
- Attach the electrode pads according to the instructions provided with the AED.
- The AED will analyze the person's heart rhythm and determine if a shock is necessary.
- If a shock is advised, the AED will instruct you when to stand clear before delivering the shock.
9. Continue CPR Until Help Arrives:
- Continue performing CPR until trained medical professionals arrive and take over.
10. Seek Medical Attention:
- If the person regains consciousness, monitor them closely for any changes until emergency medical personnel arrive.
- Always seek professional medical attention, even if the person appears to recover after CPR.
Remember, proper training and certification in CPR and AED usage can greatly improve the chances of a successful outcome in an emergency situation.