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In CPR what is clearing the victim?
To clear the victim's airway, follow these steps:
1. Kneel beside the victim and place one hand on their forehead.
2. Gently tilt their head back.
3. Use your other hand to sweep the victim's mouth open.
4. Remove any visible obstructions from the airway, such as food, vomit, or mucus.
5. If the victim is not breathing, begin rescue breaths.
Here are some additional tips for clearing the victim's airway:
* If the victim is conscious, encourage them to cough and spit out any obstructions.
* If the victim is unconscious, do not attempt to sweep their mouth open with your finger or any other object. This could push the obstruction further down into the airway.
* If you are unable to clear the victim's airway, call for help.