Pet CPR Certification
New pet owners can expect to learn how to take general care of their pets. The Instructors cover proper diet, regular exercise habits, how to create a safe and comfortable environment for a pet, good grooming practices, how to socialize a dog safely, and spaying and neutering.
The instructors will discuss the importance of creating an ID tag for a pet that he should wear at all times. Students are also taught how to properly and safely administer eye, ear and mouth medications, in both pill and liquid form. To end the introduction unit, instructors cover how to recognize adverse effects to medicine and food, such as alcohol and chocolate, which can be poisonous in specific quantities to pets.
If the student takes the American Red Cross Pet CPR certification class, he can expect to learn what to do with his pet in the event of a disaster "when help might be delayed and normal supply chains could be cut off." An American Red Cross pet first aid kit includes some of the following, as outlined by the Pet First Aid handbook: antibiotic ointment, clean cloths, gloves, nylon leash, muzzle and rubbing alcohol, among other useful items. The Red Cross also advises having pet identification, medical records (i.e., vaccinations), food and water supply for a minimum of three days, toys to help reduce stress and carriers.
Recognizing Emergencies
Pet CPR courses teach students how to recognize an emergency. The instructor should discuss how to identify a scared or injured pet and how to approach him. The American Red Cross says that knowing how to check the pet's airway, breathing, bleeding, circulation, mucous membrane color, capillary refill time and level of consciousness is important when determining what steps should be taken next. Along with these skills, students should learn to check heart rate and pulse in their pets and how to take the their temperatures. Students should be advised to use caution around ill or injured pets by reading body language and using gloves, a muzzle or another safety device when helping or capturing a pet that is scared or hurt.
Animals must be given rescue breaths and chest compressions in a specific way to avoid injury and to minimize the chance that they will bite or lash out at the rescuer. Rescue breaths are given through the nose of the pet. Compressions are done with two hands at each side of the pet's stomach. Instructors should go over these techniques and how they differ depending on the size and type of the pet. Do not attempt pet CPR before taking an accredited class.
First Aid
Most pet CPR classes also include a section on first aid. The first aid unit covers how to use medications, cold packs and bandages when a dog is wounded. It should also cover the basic steps for treating injuries to muscles, bones and joints. Many classes cover birthing emergencies and how to help your pet or an animal discovered on the street that is having an abnormal birthing process. Most important, pet first aid teaches students the steps to take in the event of a bite wound. Bite wounds are common during the socialization of pets with other pets, particularly dogs.