How to Perform CPR on Your Newborn
Check the infant for a response, i.e., breathing. If there isn't one, have someone call 911, and begin the CPR process.
Put the baby on his back on a firm surface.
Open the infant's airway by tilting his forehead back with one hand. Lift his chin with your other hand. Don't tilt his head too far back.
Check for signs of life for 10 seconds. Look for movement. Listen and watch the baby's chest for breathing. If there's still no sign of life, begin rescue breaths.
Give two gentle rescue breaths by placing your mouth over the baby's mouth and nose. These breaths should be small puffs, not adult-sized breaths. Each breath should last one second. Watch the child's chest as your give the breaths. If air goes in, the infant is not choking. Perform CPR.
Give the baby 30 chest compressions. Draw an imaginary line between his nipples. Place 2-3 fingers just below the center of this imaginary line. Compress ½ inch to 1 inch 30 times with the pads of your fingers. Give the compressions at a rate of 100 per minute.
Give two more rescue breaths.
Repeat 30 compressions, followed by two breaths. Continue this until help arrives.