How to Learn CPR & Infant CPR
Locate a CPR class that is accredited by either the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross. Go to the website for the AHA or ARC using the links in Resources and type in your zip code to find available classes in your area. Courses will include instructions for administering CPR to infants, children and adults.
Register for a class that fits in with your schedule and make a note of the date and time. Pay the required fee. Fees vary, but many fall in the $25-to-$35 range.
Attend the class and participate in all instructional and "hands-on" activities. Ask questions for clarification as needed. Classes last an average of two hours.
Request take-home informational materials, such as a pamphlet outlining the steps of CPR, so that you may review the procedure at home. Obtain a dated card that states that you have completed the CPR course. It should be signed by an instructor certified through the AHA or ARC, and it should include the seal of the AHA or ARC to validate it.