Why Should Citizens Learn CPR?
You never know when you may be faced with a situation in which a family member, friend or stranger ends up in cardiac arrest. You may be the only person around who can help.
Most times, a person's heart stops because of an abnormal quivering known as ventricular fibrillation, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). A person's life can be saved in more than 50 percent of these cases if CPR (and defibrillation) is given in the first three to five minutes.
In crowded cities where EMS response time is slow (such as New York City), the survival rate of victims lowers dramatically, reports the AHA. More ordinary citizens knowing CPR would help immensely.
When a person is not breathing, time is of the essence. Irreparable brain damage can occur within minutes, followed by death within eight to 10 minutes.
Doing something is better than doing nothing at all. The AHA is promoting its Hands-Only CPR campaign which asks people to call 911 and at least do chest compressions.