CPR Practice Questions
1.) Which of the following is the first step when attempting to administer CPR?
a.) Tap the victim and ask if they are OK.
b.) Call for help.
c.) Ensure the area is safe.
d.) Remove clothing which may get in the way of administering CPR.2.) How many chest compressions per minute are recommended by the American Heart Association?
a.) 70
b.) 80
c.) 90
d.) 1003.) What is the recommended ratio of compressions to breaths?
a.) 30 compressions to 1 breath
b.) 30 compressions to 2 breaths
c.) 50 compressions to 1 breath
d.) 50 compressions to 2 breaths4.) How long should you give a breath?
a.) 1 second
b.) 2 seconds
c.) 3 seconds
d.) 4 seconds5.) True or False: It is important to allow for the chest to come back to normal position before starting the next compression.
6.) What is the correct way to create an open airway?
a.) Chin-lift, Head-tilt
b.) Jaw Thrust
c.) Head-tilt, Chin-lift
d.) Head-tilt, Jaw Thrust7.) How long should you take to check for normal breathing?
a.) 0 to 5 seconds
b.) 5 to 10 seconds
c.) 10 to 15 seconds
d.) 15 to 20 seconds8.) What steps need to be taken to determine if a person is breathing?
a.) Put your ear near mouth, Look, Listen and Feel
b.) Put your ear near mouth, Look and Listen
c.) Put your ear near mouth and Listen
d.) Put your ear near chest and Listen9.) True or False: You no longer have to check for a pulse between sets of compressions and breaths.
10.) What do you do if the person is breathing normally?
a.) Administer CPR
b.) Wait for trained health professionals
c.) Turn person on side and wait for trained health professionals
d.) Continue with chest compressions
1.) C
2.) D
3.) B
4.) A
5.) True
6.) C
7.) B
8.) A
9.) True
10.) C