Red Cross Instructions for CPR
Responding to an Emergency
Call 911 or have someone else call 911 before you begin CPR. Check a person's breathing first by listening or feeling for breath; if he is breathing, CPR isn't needed. If he isn't breathing, check for a pulse by placing two fingers on the side of their neck just below the jawbone. If you find a pulse, perform rescue breathing. If there is no breathing or pulse, you will perform CPR to try to restore both.
Rescue Breathing
If you have determined the victim is not breathing but has a pulse, lay her on her back, being careful not to move or tilt her neck too much. Kneel down on the victim's side. Place two fingers under the victim's chin and gently push up to open the windpipe. Open the victim's mouth, and using your index finger, sweep the mouth to make sure nothing is blocking her airway. Pinch her nose, cover her mouth with yours and blow until you see her chest rise. Blow in two breaths, and then check to make sure the victim still has a pulse. If there's a pulse and the victim is still not breathing normally, repeat rescue breathing until emergency response arrives. If you can no longer feel a pulse, begin CPR.
CPR should only be performed on a victim who has no pulse. After opening the victim's airway and blowing two breaths into his mouth, place the heel of your hand midway between his nipples. Place your other hand on top of that hand, and begin chest compressions. Rapidly push down on the victim's chest for 15 compressions. Repeat two breaths and then 15 chest compressions again. Continue with CPR until emergency response arrives. If the victim's heart starts beating, you can stop CPR, but stay with the victim until medical help arrives.