How to Write a CPR Demonstration Speech
Know your audience. The speech will have to be given at a level your listeners can comprehend. Think of an opening that will have a strong hook for your particular group.
Write your introduction. Begin by imagining a scenario where CPR would be needed by your audience. For example, if you are speaking to a group of young parents, you might suggest a situation where there is a group of children present, like a birthday party. One of the children falls into the pool. If possible, back this scenario up with facts. How many children fell into pools last year? This is important, because nobody thinks it can happen to them. After you've presented your statistics, ask your audience, "If it happened to you, would you know what to do?"
Using props from a CPR kit or photos of CPR procedures, outline the preparatory steps for the administration of CPR, explaining the value of each and introducing any memory tricks a person could use to recall them. For example, you could say, "After you phone for help, do the ABC's: airway, breathing, check pulse." Follow this by demonstrating the technique for checking the airway, checking for breathing and showing people how to locate a pulse.
Demonstrate the chest compression and breath pattern, making sure to emphasize the speed at which chest compressions should be given and showing where to place the hands on the chest. Make sure you are using proper technique with arms straight and elbows locked.
Close your speech by emphasizing the simplicity of the technique and reminding people they now have the knowledge to save a life. Take any questions from the audience and allow them to practice on your doll, if you have one. If no one speaks up, ask them a question instead, such as, "How many compressions before a breath?" or "What's the first thing you do when you see someone who might need CPR?"