How to Give CPR
Make sure that the area surrounding the victim is safe for you, and alert someone to call 911.
Determine that the victim needs to be given CPR by asking her if she is okay and listening and feeling for breath. Check the pulse by placing two fingers on the carotid artery, which is found on either side of the neck, just below the jawbone. You'll need to begin giving CPR if she is not breathing and her heart is not beating.
Place two fingers under the victim's chin and push up gently to tilt her head back. This will completely open the windpipe in preparation for breathing.
Do a finger sweep. Use your index finger and sweep inside the mouth to make sure nothing is obstructing the airway. You need to perform chest compressions only if the victim has no pulse.
Use your index finger and thumb to pinch the nose shut. Breathe two slow breaths into the victim's mouth, keeping your eyes on her chest to make sure it's rising. Check for breathing again.
Find the spot where the ribs meet the breastbone. It will feel like a hard, little bump. Put your index finger on this spot so you don't forget where it is when you're getting your hands in place.
Put the heel of one palm above the index finger, on the breastbone, and put your other hand over that hand. Sit up on your knees with your arms completely straight so you can remain as stable as possible.
Push your hands down 30 times, taking about 15 to 20 seconds for all 30 compressions. Give two breaths after each set of 15 compressions.
Repeat this process until paramedics arrive, another person trained in giving CPR takes over, you are too tired to continue CPR, the victim's heart starts beating or the area becomes unsafe. Check for breathing and a pulse between each set of compressions.